Small Open Source Java Tools and Libraries
Interesting Links
Here are some interesting links (random order):
Software- & Web-Development Methodologies
OO Analysis and Design (Martin Fowler)
Database Refactoring (Scott W. Ambler)
Domain-Driven Design Community
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox
Mindmap of JEE 6 Technologies
Interesting Ideas
Greg Young's Unshackle Your
Domain (Command-Query Responsibility Separation - CQRS)
axonframework (CQRS Framework)
Event Store (Greg Young)
Liquibase (Database Change Management)
Java Model Parser And Printer (JaMoPP)
EMF-IncQuery (High performance graph search for EMF models)
Qi4j (Development Framework)
JML (The Java Modeling Language)
cofoja (Contracts for Java)
or jOOQ
Cumulus4j (Cloud Encryption)
Tahoe-LAFS (Distributed Cloud Storage System / Provider-Independent Security)
Semantic Versioning Specification
Foundation CSS Framework
Effective Exceptions
AmplifyJS (A JavaScript Component Library)
Java API Design Checklist
XMLUnit (JUnit testing for XML)
SymmetricDS (Database replication software)
Pax CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection for OSGi Applications)
TinkerPop (Open source software products in the graph space)
TracEE (Integration framework that eases interaction monitoring in JavaEE logs)
Java desktop links of the week
Gojko Adzic (Author of "Specification by Example")
Pushing Pixels (Kirill Grouchnikov)
Theresa Neil (e.g. "Standard Screen Pattern")
Webkrauts (German language)
Harmonic Code (Friday Fun Swing Components)
Matt Raible's Publications
Good Books
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
Design by Contract, by Example
Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design
Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for Usability
Softwareentwicklung. Analyse und Design mit UML 2.1
User Interface Design Patterns
Cool Tools
Wink (Tutorial and Presentation creation software)
Class Dependency Analyzer (CDA)
JBoss Tattletale (Java dependency analyzer)
BundleMaker (Dependency management)
Java Serialization Benchmarks
Dozer (Java Bean to Java Bean mapper)
Balsamiq Mockups
Tiggr (Create web and mobile HTML prototypes)
Google WindowBuilder &
inFusion & In-depth design assessment (Commercial)
Log4E (Eclipse Plugin which helps to use your logger easily in Java projects)
Ohloh (Discover, Track and Compare Open Source)
graphviz-server (Java based GraphViz Http Server)